Friday 9 December 2016

DIY Decor Wall Art 

To create wall art at home, using stencils and spray painting

Supplies needed:

1. Canvas panel or board
2. Print out your favorite image you wanted to be painted
3. Take the print out according to the size of the canvas
4. OHP sheet
5. X-acto knife
6. Acrylic paint
7. Spray paint
8. Gloves


1. Take the canvas panel of your favorite size. Paint the background with your favorite acrylic paint and let it dry

2. Take the print out of the image. Keep it under the OHP sheet

3. Now using the image as a trace, cut the OHP, using x-acto knife. X-acto knife are very easy for detailed cutting but be very careful with the knife, it is very sharp. I cut my fingers, blood got smeared all over my canvas. You don't wanna do that.

4. Take out the image from the OHP sheet and keep it aside

5. After the canvas is dry, keep the OHP sheet on the canvas

6. Take the spray paint, shake well and from a little distance, start spraying on the OHP where the image is been cut out

7. To avoid movement of the OHP, stick a washi tape to the corners of the OHP onto the canvas

8. Make sure you press the edges of the image, so that the paint wont run over other places of the canvas

9. Let it dry for a minute, then slowly take the OHP

10. Now, let the canvas dry for about 10-15 minutes

Your wall art is ready. Hang it on your favorite place :) :)

The idea was inspired from various Pinterest

Below is the one which i did, a very simple one using very basic colors. But it suited my wall. The image was inspired from Banksy stencil art.

Wednesday 30 November 2016

How to transfer an image on to a canvas, using homemade ModPodge

I was too lazy to buy a ModPodge, instead I tried using the homemade ModPodge (the glue which I normally used for craft projects). It turned out well. The process is same as in image transferring using ModPodge

For preparing homemade ModPodge (not exactly ModPodge), click here

Supplies needed:

1. Homemade ModPodge
2. Canvas of any size/colour you want, I used canvas panel
3. Paint brush
4. Take print out of the image you want to transfer, make sure the printed image is mirrored
5. Wet tissues or damp cloth


1      1. Using a paint brush, apply homemade ModPodge all over the canvas surface
        2. Paste the image side of the print out onto the canvas
        3. Press it with fingers and palms so that there won’t be any air bubbles; if you are using a canvas board, keep a book underneath the canvas to clear the bubbles
        4.  Let it dry overnight
        5.  Using wet tissues or a damp cloth, press against the pasted image on the canvas and make the canvas wet.
       6.   Gently, using fingers slowly scratch out the printed paper
       7.  Fingers are the best way to do it, because you know the exact pressure to be given for the entire image not to peel off
       8. Now, the image should have been transferred onto the canvas. Let it dry
       9.  The image transferred using Homemade ModPodge and ModPodge might be different because of the quality maybe, but I liked the look of the image J J

     You can also paint the canvas with your favourite acrylic colours. I liked the ruggedy vintagy kinda look of the image. I am planning to prepare a frame for this canvas using cardboard, which I will share it in my next post.

     Thank you for visit. Leave any comments and suggestions.
     Also, share your take on homemade ModPodge

     Take care,


Tuesday 29 November 2016

Easy way to make ModPodge (for photo transfer) at home, using glue and water

Supplies needed:
* General purpose Arts and Crafts glue
* A cup of water
* A container to mix and store them

1. Take a container, preferably a mason jar and make sure there is no dust.
2. Pour glue into the container
3. Pour the water into the container
4. Mix well, i would suggest to shake well
5. Ensure to pour the water in right proportion, that it should not make the content too runny or too thick
6. Close the container with an airtight lid and use it whenever required

I always use my glue with water in order to hold on to the right shape of my projects and when i tried it to use to transfer a photo to canvas it turned out really well. I will share that in my post later.

Till then,
Take care,
- JK

Saturday 26 November 2016


Hi guys, this is JK here. Let me introduce myself. I am interested in crafting, painting and other DIY projects Though I'm not a pro, I wanted to share some of my simple works and step by step tutorial to beginners. Any suggestions and feedback are most welcome. Let's gets this started. :)

- Jk